Message from our Commodore…

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April is over and we are weeks a few weeks away from the AGM, unfortunately not many nominations were received by the cut-off date, however, there are a couple of new faces who will join the committee, thank you to the members who are making themselves  available to serve the club, I’m sure you will enjoy the experience,

Committee nominations received are:

Flag Officers:

  • President: Trevor Dyer
  • Commodore: Patrick Dyer and Andrew Bews
  • Vice Commodore: Steve Mc Comb

General Committee:

  • Gavin Lindhorst, Wynand de Goede, Wilhelm Herbst, Andre Bestha ,Andrew Bews, Calum Wedge and Claire Wedge

Please remember to diarise the AGM and book for the End of Season Club Dinner and prize giving at the Saldanha Hotel for Saturday 20 May, we only have a limited number of seats for the dinner, so book early.

We celebrate Kirsten’s awesome achievement!

Beautiful aerial views courtesy of Owen

See you at the club!