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Saturday 4th March: North Bay Cruise and RCYC Raid

Ten yachts sailed to North Bay or the annual cruise and lunch ashore. Alas only a few braved the beaching to go ashore this year (our thanks again to SAS Saldanha!) so there was no entertainment there. Yacht crews visited each other and the ambiance at the anchorage was great. The cruise was quieter than usual in the absence of Brad and Sas … usually audible above the seagulls.

In our efforts to offer true West Coast hospitality (and to upstage RCYC) we offered a generous welcoming Oyster and Champagne starter to Raid participants. Our appreciation to Nadi of the Saldanha Bay Hotel for their sponsorship of this and the raffled night at the hotel won by Jesse Roos!

Eddie had fires ready and after the now traditional fun prize giving all attended to their braaiing. Copious potato and Greek salads and garlic breads were served compliments the club. I believe yet another very successful club event.

It must be mentioned that Trevor had his own agenda that Saturday … his thirst, it is told, started early. By the evening, well …..  He returned safely to Horizont.  Next morning I saw a tender approaching his yacht. I hailed from Sundowner Rose:  “Caution, don’t disturb the dead”.  It routed towards me and said: “I am the dead” – it was Trevor! How we enjoy this club.

Sadly the Paternoster cruise over the long weekend was cancelled due to adverse weather.


SBYC Cruising Officer

Thanks to Gavin and Faan, our staff and all who assisted in any way in making the bring and braai a great evening!