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Our fight against the criminals has continued and we are reporting drone and rubber duck activity in the area almost every night to the SAPS water Wing, who have been doing patrols to support us and they have also indicated that they will be increasing their patrols. We are confident that the security measures we have put in place in recent weeks have assisted in stopping the break-ins.

It is still a very good idea to install an alarm system on your boat, if you have not done so yet, even better if it is a GSM system and can automatically contact the owner or our security telephone which is already in use!! 

When you are staying over on your boat during the week, please inform the club manager so he can inform the watchmen, so that they don’t raise a false alarm!!

Thank you to all the Members who contribute on a monthly basis towards our fight to keep our yachts safe!!

A recent article in the Sunday Times has helped highlight the issue and we hope this type of communication will assist our cause with the authorities: