Message from our Commodore

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The new financial year is well under way and the committee have had a couple of meetings to discuss the plans for the year, we have finalised the sailing and events calendar, keep a look out for it and please try your best to support the sailing and social events, the SAS Winter trail walk is an event not to be missed on the 12th August, with the Soup evening after the walk!

The Committee is going to carry out a few maintenance and upgrade projects on the club facilities,  more information will be given as we prepare for the projects,

End of July is the cut-off date for the payment of fees, if you have not yet paid your fees or need to make an arrangement to pay the fees off, please contact the club treasurer urgently,

The first objective of our club’s constitution says, “To Promote the Sport of Yachting”, I saw this poem on social media so thought I’d share it, A SAILOR YOU BE….. let’s get out on the water:

See you at the club!